After weeks of flashy trailers, ads and news reports, Superstar Rajinikanth's Enthiran (Robot in Telugu and Hindi) will grace theatres tomorrow. With Rajni in a double role (scientist and robot), Aishwarya Rai adding a dash of entertainment, not to mention A.R. Rahman's thumping music, Enthiran has raised expectations to almost breaking-point. And whether director Shankar's most-anticipated venture satisfies those expectations, that is the public to see and judge. The film has already graced theatres in some parts of the world.
Here are few titbits about the film, from our sources in Dubai's Hyatt Gallerie theatre!
>>> The film is a never-seen-before spectacle on screen! People who have already seen the film feel that Enthiran is just like an Hollywood action flick in terms of quality and content.
>>> There are no punch dialogues as such, but all the dialogues of superstar are quick, witty and crisp!
>>> In Enthiran, Rajni plays a dual role: that of a scientist (Vaseegaran) and a robot. And it looks like the audience are more attracted towards the robot, though it appears only in a few scenes.
Watch this space for more titbits about Enthiran.
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