Gautham denied his Ajith film has been titled Thuppariyum Anand. Says Gautham: “Yes I have written a script called Thuppariyum Anand, about a detective in 1920’s Madras and given it to Mr. Kamal Hassan and Mr. Aamir Khan. I’m hoping that one of them will do the film.”
Added Gautham: “Once and for all I would like to say that the Ajith film is untitled and it is a mass entertainer. All technicians who worked with me in VTV will be a part of this new film, while I’m on the lookout for a heroine.”
Meanwhile Ajith has signed up for one season of F2 racing. The star is quoted saying: “ Since Gautham wanted some more time to complete the story and scripting, I decided to indulge in my passion, as I want my 50th film to be a win-win situation for all involved in the film.”
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