When it was time to poke Aamir’s habit of attending Oscars and not Indian awards, he came up with a surprising response. “I would love to keep away from certain organizations for which I have no values. Instead I wholeheartedly accept the felicitations from the organizations that are quite unparalleled in its motto. Say for instance, I have attended couple of award functions – Deenanath Mangeshkar Awards and Gollapudi Srinivas Awards. Gollapudi Srinivas Award is hosted by a prominent family of Telugu film industry in memory of its director ‘Gollapudi Srinivas’, who lost his life while shooting his first film. Every year, a best debutant filmmaker chosen from the entire Indian film industry is honored with this award, which I received for my ‘Taare Zameen Par’. Not may of the media channels knew about my presence in these award ceremonies.”
Totting up on these awards ceremonies, Mr. Perfectionist stated that they weren’t hosted for the sake of TRPs or spinning revenues, but for the pure reasons of honoring the talents.
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