• Integer vitae nulla!

    Integer vitae nulla!

    Suspendisse neque tellus, malesuada in, facilisis et, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Sed egestas. Quisque mauris. Duis id ligula. Nunc quis tortor. In hendrerit, quam vitae mattis interdum, turpis augue viverra justo, sed semper sem lorem sed ligula. Curabitur id urna nec risus volutpat ultrices....

  • Suspendisse neque tellus

    Suspendisse neque tellus

    Suspendisse neque tellus, malesuada in, facilisis et, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Sed egestas. Quisque mauris. Duis id ligula. Nunc quis tortor. In hendrerit, quam vitae mattis interdum, turpis augue viverra justo, sed semper sem lorem sed ligula. Curabitur id urna nec risus volutpat ultrices....

  • Curabitur faucibus

    Curabitur faucibus

    Suspendisse neque tellus, malesuada in, facilisis et, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Sed egestas. Quisque mauris. Duis id ligula. Nunc quis tortor. In hendrerit, quam vitae mattis interdum, turpis augue viverra justo, sed semper sem lorem sed ligula. Curabitur id urna nec risus volutpat ultrices....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Relationship between Genelia D’Souza and Hansika Motwani

These are the days when catfights are a common thing between actresses if they work together in a film. But Genelia D’Souza and Hansika Motwani stand opposite to this infamous trend.

The actresses, who are sharing the screen space with ‘Ilaya Thalapathi’ Vijay in ‘Velayudham’, a film directed by ‘Jayam’ Raja, share a close friendship and care a lot for each other.

Sources in the unit say they could see Genelia and Hansika chatting with each other with much warmth whenever there is a break during the movie’s shoot. “They are having a blast on the sets,” sources add.

Confirming this, Hansika, who recently watched ‘Orange’, a Telugu film starring Ramcharan Teja and Genelia in lead roles, tweeted: “Saw Orange and I thought that Charan was superb. Genelia was nice.”


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