• Integer vitae nulla!

    Integer vitae nulla!

    Suspendisse neque tellus, malesuada in, facilisis et, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Sed egestas. Quisque mauris. Duis id ligula. Nunc quis tortor. In hendrerit, quam vitae mattis interdum, turpis augue viverra justo, sed semper sem lorem sed ligula. Curabitur id urna nec risus volutpat ultrices....

  • Suspendisse neque tellus

    Suspendisse neque tellus

    Suspendisse neque tellus, malesuada in, facilisis et, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Sed egestas. Quisque mauris. Duis id ligula. Nunc quis tortor. In hendrerit, quam vitae mattis interdum, turpis augue viverra justo, sed semper sem lorem sed ligula. Curabitur id urna nec risus volutpat ultrices....

  • Curabitur faucibus

    Curabitur faucibus

    Suspendisse neque tellus, malesuada in, facilisis et, adipiscing sit amet, risus. Sed egestas. Quisque mauris. Duis id ligula. Nunc quis tortor. In hendrerit, quam vitae mattis interdum, turpis augue viverra justo, sed semper sem lorem sed ligula. Curabitur id urna nec risus volutpat ultrices....

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Shazahn Padamsee speaks about herself

To title the film is a challenging matter for the director than to direct a film. Now a film has been titled Kanimozhi which is frightening. Mumbai girl Shazahn Padamsee is donning the role called Kanimozhi.
While speaking to the media, she said,” My mother Sharon Prabhakar is the India’s first pop singer. Bollywood calls my dad as Ad film guru. Apart from this my dad Alique Padamsee is an important personality in the theater.
When my father and mother are important personality in arts, how can I keep quite? I started to do modeling. After this I got the chance in the film Rocket Singh.
I did the female lead role with Ranbir Kapoor in this film. One of the costume designers showed my photo to director Sripathi Rangaswamy. Since my face suited the role, I am singing duet with Jai. About Kodambakkam.
I should say that people are laboring hard. They love cinema. For a song sequence they tied Jai and me upside down. Below there was water neck level deep. I hung for the whole day. Even now if I think of that my hands and leg will become numb.
The specialty of this film Kanimozhi is that the film is being shot with live sound. Many are asking me whether I know who Kanimozhi is. I have heard that she writes poems and the daughter of the Chief Minister.”


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