Raavanan features Vikram, Aishwarya Rai, Prithviraj in the lead along with Karthik, Prabhu and Priyamani in supporting roles. The music of AR Rahman is already a hit. The film is now being graded for colour correction in Adlabs in Mumbai by its cinematographer Santosh Sivan.
The tri-lingual is the most ambitious project of Mani Ratnam. In his director’s note, Mani Ratnam asks the question- Ten heads, Ten minds, A hundred voices- One Man. Did such a man ever exist…? Was he just a myth…or a metaphor…?
Are Ten Heads better than one…?
Is there a Ram inside Raavan ? And a Raavan inside each of us?
This along with its slick three minutes trailer has created a big buzz around the film. The audio launch of the film was done in style by Ratnam, which made the hype bigger as expectations have reached an all new high.
Well you will have to wait 18 days more for the big day when all three versions of the film will hit 2000 odd screens worldwide. We at newstamilcinema , will be updating you on the biggest release in Indian cinema.
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