Veteran film makers Bharathiraja and K. Balachander the two pillars of Tamil Cinema who contributed a lot with their meaningful films have joined their hands in Rettaisuzhi. They are playing the lead roles for the first time. Both the legends have bought dignity and a naturalness to the acting, which is refreshing to watch.
The film starts like a puppet show style of story telling and gradually mingles with usual flow. The story is set in a village near Tirunelveli. Ramaswamy (K Balachandar) a feudal landlord and a former congress man is at loggerheads with Singaravelan (Bharathiraja), an active communist.
It is a 40 year old enmity between the two who are daggers drawn. Their grandchildren and young relatives are initially in two camps and clash like enemies. But the love between Murthy (Aari) and Susheela (Anjali) who are in opposite camps unite the children.Now all the children wow to unite both the lovers, so that the couple can get married. And the way the children make efforts to unit the young lovers is paves a possitive climax.
The real hero of the film is, undoubtedly Bharathiraja. His body language and way of expression are the real treat to good cinema lovers. His performance remembers the good old days of Muthal Mariyathai, especially when he realises Anjali's deep love towards the boy. There is nothing novel of extraordinary portrayal in KB's role, but in the climax he proves his experience.
The lead pair Anjali and Aari lacks the chemistry and is not convincing as lovers. The nearly two dozen children at times get on your nerve and are some times too smart. But managing with 24 children is not an easy job. Karnas as a cop who has a soft corner for the heroine makes you laugh and Manobala is another interesting character in the film.
Nallan Thamizh, an upcoming dialogue writer is impressive with the one liners. Karthik Raja’s music and Chezhiyan's camera works are the silver lines of the film. On the negative side, the director fails to full fill the expectations, even though the producer gives his best support and budget to him. In most of the scenes the children dominate the screen which gradually kills your interest of watching the movie.
Producer: S Shankar of S Pictures
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