Ajith has finally got the support of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. Thalai has been fighting a lone battle against industry bigwigs following his controversial February 6 speech.
Karunanidhi referred to Ajith as “
Thumbai Poo”, (Lily) a flower known for its whiteness, and used as an acronym for good people in Tamil. Karunanidhi said some vested interests were trying to twist his words out of context and create a rift within the industry.
The CM also said Ajith visited him at his home and had clarified about his speech and in no way did the actor’s controversial speech show any disrespect towards him. He also requested the organizers of the function not to precipitate matters and to let things settle down.
Now with the CM openly supporting him, none of the film organizations would dare to take action or continue with their anti- Ajith tirade.
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