Renowned actress Sonali Kulkarni, known for her work in offbeat films, said that after talking to villagers at the location near Amaravati, she realized the reality of the character she had portrayed in Gabricha Paus, India's entry in the competitive section of the IFFI, which deals with the issue of suicide by farmers in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.
ON IFFI, Goa, Sonali said she has been a regular since 1991. "It has been a positive force in my career, giving me the much-needed exposure and understanding of the cinema world. Even media questions compel us to think and the kinetic energy of the festival works to improve us as film people," she said.
Lead actor Girish Kulkarni said, "Local people transferred their soul to us and my initial reaction was guilt. Here I am reading the situation through newspapers and drawing easy conclusions but very soon, this guilt was overtaken by admiration for the spirit and optimism of the villagers. Here, connection with the local audience is instant and deep." Director Satish Manwar said that the subject is very grim but he has tried to deal with it in a human and satirical manner.
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